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Committee Description

Anchor 1

    The Committee is responsible for assisting Local Reserve Committees in resolving problems, as well as working with the MEC Grievance Committee to resolve system-wide Schedule and Reserve violations. The Reserve Committee shall be responsible to monitor all problems specific to Flight Attendants holding a reserve schedule. The committee shall assist with contract interpretation of reserve issues in the Contract, facilitate Reserve Flight Attendant interaction with Crew Scheduling, and educate Reserve Flight Attendants on applicable contract provisions.

This Committee acts in an advisory role to the LEC and MEC Officers on all Reserve matters. We will also help educate the Reserve group about our Contract.​ When questions do arise, we will relay the current and correct information about Reserves' rights and work rules. ​We are also available to help answer any questions that a Reserve Flight Attendant may have about pay, bidding, and their legal rest. We are also the first point of contact for Reserve questions, concerns and issues.

Anchor 2

Reserve Guide

Anchor 6

    Many of our Flight Attendants have Reserve lines, and with the ever-changing flying that we have, it is essential to be familiar with the Reserve process. We understand that confusion arises from those who remember the Reserve system from past years and the many evolving/different methods.


Since the Reserve process changed over time, you need to be mindful of the current process.

Please know that the company has its own internal process for crew scheduling. While we work with the company to understand what is currently implemented, we can rely on the Collective Bargaining Agreement (a.k.a. “Contract”) as a blueprint and essential reference. When it comes to building policy around that – and as a result of our negotiations - the company is working on a guide to share with the membership. As of this writing, we have no hard date on when this will be published.


While the MEC Reserve Guide may be helpful, we encourage you to go through the 2020 CBA. Learn the provisions and review any information that is specific to Reserves. This guide is a living document, and we will add/edit it in the months ahead.

Anchor 3

Who do I contact?

For assistance, please contact your LEC or MEC Officers


Master Executive Council



Seat Vacant

Honolulu Council 43
Committee Chairperson


Seat Vacant

Anchor 4

Los Angeles Council 47

Committee Members

Anchor 5
Paul Ikioka.jpeg
Recent Committee Communications
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