Hawaiian Airlines AFA
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO
Stronger Together, Better Together!
Committee Description
The PBS Committee will be comprised of Co-Chairpersons who will work with the company and the Inflight Crew Planning Department to maintain the company’s preferential bidding system (PBS) and oversee the bidding and bid award processes. The Committee represents and advocates for the MEC position in matters pertaining to bidding and the PBS.
In advance of the bidding period each month this Committee will communicate with the MEC Scheduling Policy Committee Chairperson to understand changes in pairings for upcoming months and how Flight Attendant bids might be affected. This Committee will keep members knowledgeable about changes to the preferential bidding system, common mistakes and errors, misunderstandings about the system, and other topics of interest through the MEC Communications Chairperson. This Committee also helps to provide assistance to Flight Attendants through lounge sits, one-on-one training sessions, written communication and telephone support during the monthly bidding window and as requested by the MEC or LECs.
Who do I contact?
For assistance, please contact Greg Wickstrom or Patrick Smith
Email Address: greg.wickstrom@afahawaiian.org or patrick.smith@afahawaiian.org
Master Executive Council
Master Executive Council Committees

Greg Wickstrom

Patrick Smith