Hawaiian Airlines AFA
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO
Stronger Together, Better Together!
Committee Description
This Committee is responsible for and can help assist updating membership contact information, work status and dues in coordination with Hawaiian Airlines and the International Office. This Committee is also knowledgeable on current Contractually required Insurance, Retirement and Occupational programs including medical, dental, life, LTD, and other Insurance and Retirement plans, including 401(k) plans.
The Committee is knowledgeable in current contractually provided insurance programs, leaves of absence, and occupational benefits. In addition, the committee shall have a working knowledge of the state worker’s compensation laws of the states in which there are domicile locations.
Additional Membership Resources
Master Executive Council Committees
Pay Related Questions
For inquiries about pay discrepancies that you encounter, please email the company at crewpayroll@hawaiianair.com and cc our Committee at membership@afahawaiian.org.
Who Do I Contact?
Master Executive Council

Chasity Theno
Honolulu Council 43
Committee Members

Allison Sakae-Kauffman
Los Angeles Council 47
Committee Members

Beth Hayes
Membership General Questions
Membership Dues
1. I have a question about paying my dues. Who should I contact?
The AFA-CWA has a Membership page with valuable information as well as their contact information.
You are also welcome to contact our Membership and Benefits Team especially since the International office is located in Washington D.C. and there is a 5 or 6 hour time difference. Simply call 844.4HALAFA and follow the prompts to reach one of our volunteers at extension 9.
2. When are my dues deducted and how much are dues?
Dues are deducted once per month on the 7th of the month for that month’s dues.
Example: Your dues deduction on January 7th represents January dues regardless of what pay period your check covers.
3. My dues are payroll deducted. Why am I getting a ...
New Hires
1. What is the Initiation Fee?
According to the AFA-CWA Constitution and Bylaws, “each Applicant accepted by the Union for active membership on or after October 31, 2005 shall be required to pay an initiation fee of sixty dollars ($60.00).” Please note that the initiation fee is no longer applicable after the 2017 Board of Directors. Therefore, we are no longer implementing this fee for any new Flight Attendants.The initiation fee was charged in lieu of dues to help defray costs for administering the Contract, clerical and publication costs. This was a one time fee and was transferable when a Flight Attendant changed employment from another AFA represented carrier.
2. What rights do I have as a AFA Member during my probationary period?
Except for disciplinary grievances, the...
Supplemental Insurance - NGP
1. When does is the AFA supplemental insurance open enrollment?
National Group Protection (NGP) is a company that identifies insurance plans for the AFA. They search for and negotiate the best service and most reasonably-priced plans for us. Supplemental insurance is an option for you and you are not required to sign up for any of their plans.
However, if you are interested in purchasing supplemental benefits, the open enrollment period is held once a year. If you are not able to buy a plan during that period that their representatives are available, then you will have to wait until their next annual visit.
This is an update for our upcoming National Group Protection (NGP) visit this April. NGP offers several optional plans for AFA members. They will be on property to meet with you, go through the plans that are offered, answer questions, and help with enrollment. These are their scheduled times:
April 6 – 9, 2022
Wednesday, April 6: 500 am - 300 pm
Thursday, April 7: 500 am - 300 pm
Friday, April 8: 500 am - 300 pm
Saturday, April 9: 800 am - 300 pm
April 17 – 21, 2022
Sunday, April 17: 500 am - 300 pm
Monday, April 18: 500 am - 300 pm
Tuesday, April 19: 800 am - 300 pm
Wednesday, April 20: 800 am - 300 pm
Thursday, April 21: 800 am - 300 pm
Please note that the NGP representatives may adjust the schedule as needed. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we all adjust to the various State of Hawaii Safe Travels and indoor restrictions. We know that many of you were looking forward to NGP’s next visit and are grateful that the Company was able to help provide space in the lounge for this upcoming on-property enrollment. Almost half of our Flight Attendants have at least one (1) supplemental plan through NGP.
2021 Committee Updates
Please be advised there is a correction in dates to our previous communication. All members are eligible to enroll, even those on Leaves. Benefit counselors, Ben and Christine, will be in Conference Room 304 & 305 in the “lunchbox” at Koapaka St. 9:00 am-5:00 pm daily. If you cannot make it to Koapaka St., please call or text Ben/Christine March 7-10 to enroll. Questions call National [...]
Please know that as we navigate through our “new normal,” we need to pivot for our National Group Protection Supplemental Insurance Open Enrollment. The next session here in Honolulu starts on Sunday, March 7 and runs through Wednesday, March 10, 2021. In working with NGP, we will host a membership meeting so you can hear about the current and new plans that are being offered. You can also ask questions about the plans and we [...]
Due to the state’s travel restrictions, it has been challenging to solidify dates for NGP’s annual open enrollment visit. We had countless tentative arrangements through the months and have recently confirmed their next visit. For those of you who are familiar with the Ben and Christine’s presence in the lounge, we will have to pivot due to the SIDA/AOA change. The company is [...]