Hawaiian Airlines AFA
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO
Stronger Together, Better Together!

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MEC Newsletter - AFA Meets With The Company
Posted: November 16, 2022
There might have been a misunderstanding of what the Flight Attendants’ duties are when working Neighbor Island flights. Some were asked in between flights, while in OGG, to pick up trash/empty trash bins & take them out to the jet bridge for the cabin service team. Just to clear up any confusion, we received confirmation [...]
Click to view all 2021 Communications
Our Beloved Sister Charlotte Hedani, RA For Vaccine Mandate, 10 Hour Rest, Resources For AFA Members
We would like to apologize as yesterday’s MEC communication had some name errors. We thought it best to resend it to respect their years of service with the company. Once again, we’d like to express our heartfelt “Aloha and Mahalo” to our soon-to-be departing VEOP flight attendants. Mahalo for everything you have done [...]
As the month of September winds down we’d like to express our heartfelt “Aloha and Mahalo” to our soon-to-be departing VEOP flight attendants. Mahalo for everything you have done for our flight attendant group. Making the life-changing decision back in 2020 to separate from Hawaiian Airlines in just a few short weeks must have been exceedingly difficult. Thanks to every one of you [...]
September 15th marked the beginning of a month-long celebration of the histories, cultures, contributions, and achievements of Hispanic Americans to the United States. Earlier this month, the AFA Executive Board passed a resolution recognizing Hispanic-Latinx Flight Attendants and Americans contributions and influence to the history, culture, and achievements [...]
As the Covid-19 virus continues to spread via the Delta variant, airlines are moving toward requiring vaccinations for all their employees. The courts and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) have clearly stated that employers can require vaccination as a condition of employment without the union's approval. The pandemic has been challenging to everyone in different ways and making [...]
Many of you have expressed concern about the recent news regarding a whistleblower lawsuit against the company. Please know that it is of the utmost importance for us to safeguard and respect any employees, including Flight Attendants, who may be mentioned in this lawsuit. The AFA leadership is committed to protecting the confidentiality for any of the cases whether the Flight Attendant sought representation [...]
Aviation security is personal to us. No matter the uniform we wear, the routes we fly, or the years we have worn our wings we will always remember the events of September 11th, lift up our heroes and do everything in our power to ensure the events are never repeated. Everything changed twenty years ago on September 11, 2001. We are not only first responders to emergencies affecting the health [...]
“CRAF” is an acronym for Civil Reserve Air Fleet and is a unique yet significant part of the nation’s air mobility resources. Select U.S. airlines, contractually committed to CRAF, augment the Department of Defense (DOD) airlift requirements in emergencies when the need for airlift exceeds the capacity of military aircraft. [...]
As the United States continues its mission to assist allies who relocated from Afghanistan, our company was activated to assist weeks ago. Although the CRAF flights have been ongoing for other carriers, the Department of Defense (DOD) did not need us until today. The company has advised us that with little time to prepare [...]
Since the company’s announcement of Hawaiian’s participation in the US Government’s Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF) flights, we have received many questions about what this entails. Although we have been in talks with the company, there still has been no detailed information specific to the particulars of this type of flying. [...]
In recent weeks, we have been experiencing an increase of COVID exposures that are forcing crew members to quarantine, for up to 10 days, unexpectedly away from domicile, on the mainland, and on the neighbor islands. These guidelines are in accordance with FAA (SAFO) and CDC recommendations. Please keep in mind when leaving for work, wherever you may be [...]
Earlier today, the AFA and then company advised our members that the Federal government was asking Hawaiian Airlines to assist with their Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF) bidding. The company asked the AFA to work on assisting this request and there was little time to gather the much needed information for resolution. However, as the company indicated a short time ago [...]
Today, the US Government has announced the activation of the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF). This allows the government to use civilian aircraft when the need for aircraft exceeds the capability of military aircraft. This is the third time in history where CRAF has been activated. The first was in 1990-1991 supporting Operations Desert Shield/Storm. The second was in 2002-2003 to [...]
Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA) has and continues to advocate for the health and safety of our members. We encourage all Flight Attendants who can to be vaccinated to help stop the spread of COVID. Ultimately, the decision to require a vaccination is solely at the company's discretion which legally it can do. The Company must also consider employees’ requests [...]
There has been a major disruption to CWA hardware phone lines, and this has interrupted use of contact numbers for AFA-CWA International office. A replacement phone number has been created to get in contact with AFA International EAP, Membership and Safety Departments. Please save the following number: 844-232-2228 [...]
On Monday, the company announced that as of November 1, 2021, all employees will be required to be vaccinated against COVID-19. With this announcement, Hawaiian joins United and Frontier to mandate the vaccine along with other companies including Disney, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Uber among others. Vaccination requirements are not new to any of us who have children or even to our own industry. [...]
We share the sad news of the loss of one of our Flight Attendant family McKenna Vierra. A Flight Attendant with Hawaiian Airlines for over 4 years while working towards getting her license to become a pilot – McKenna had a love of flying! She lived life to the fullest, overcoming adversity with strength and grace. It was a privilege to work alongside such a beautiful soul. [...]
In the current climate, the list of subjects that could trigger passionate debates and even difficult interchanges seems to be growing. Usually, these subjects are deeply personal and discussing them can lead to emotional reactions, both good and bad. Finding out that a family member, friend, or co-worker has the same views as you can be comforting and affirming but finding out that [...]
It saddens us that we start this communication with the loss of a dear friend and fellow Flight Attendant Burrelle Thiim. A 34-year Flight Attendant and avid surfer, but most of all an incredible husband to Lisa and father to Noah. His warm hugs and smile will be remembered forever. Our deepest sympathy and condolences. Please keep Burrelle’s family in your thoughts and prayers [...]
Vaccination Support Program Live, Layover Policy Update, New Monthly Child Tax Credits Start July 15
A few months ago, the company announced the Vaccine Support Program to offer employees paid time off or pay at their hourly rate (customized by work group) for getting vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus. This program applies to those who have yet to receive the vaccine and retroactively for those who have already received their shot(s). [...]
We want to remind everyone of the different timelines for the processing of Open Time and General Request. There have been several Scheduling Clarifications filed in regard to this issue, and we want to clarify the difference between the two as follows: Section 12.N.2.a. – Picking Up and Exchanging with Open Time Each [...]
Throughout this pandemic, we have all encountered passengers who have failed to comply with the Federal Mask Mandate. It is a national issue that AFA is addressing, and we want you to know that we are advocating for the support of our Flight Attendants during these trying times. As unruly passenger incidents remain at an all-time high, our union is launching a platform [...]
With the recent rise in violent, unruly and disruptive passenger incidents onboard airplanes, as reported by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) at an all-time high, many of these incidents across the country have involved alcohol. As Hawaiian Airlines considers when to resume in-flight alcohol sales, your AFA leadership has sent the attached letter to our Vice President of Inflight Services [...]
With the recent introduction of interisland layovers, the MEC leadership has been working with the company on providing Flight Attendants the ability to do segment picks-ups/drops/trades for interisland flying. The existing language of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) Section 12.L. (Pick Ups/Drops/Trades) covers [...]
Throughout this pandemic, we have all encountered passengers who have failed to comply with the Federal Mask Mandate. It is a national issue that AFA is addressing, and we want you to know that we are advocating for the support of our Flight Attendants during these trying times. The FAA has received about 3,000 reports of unruly traveler behavior on airplanes since the beginning of the year, a record. [...]
Last week our communication was a friendly reminder that although we are beginning to see things return to what seems to be “normal” and getting to the other side of the pandemic, the crew layover quarantine rules outlined in Hawaiian Airlines Policy still apply and must be followed until we have been notified [...]
Across the nation, we are beginning to see things return to what seems to be “normal.” While we are getting closer to the other side of the pandemic, the crew layover quarantine rules outlined in Hawaiian Airlines Policy still apply and must be followed until we have been notified they are no longer in place and being enforced. In addition to violating company policy, we can also be infringing [...]
The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA supports all LGBTQ+ Flight Attendants and workers as we fight for protection on the job and in our communities. AFA’s mission is to unite all Flight Attendants and promote equality and employment for all, regardless of race, color, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender [...]
With the June 1st date for return to service fast approaching, we have gotten inquiries into what was agreed to between AFA and the company especially regarding the revised service on the A321. After discussions with the company and consulting with members of the Negotiating Committee (NC), we have outlined the primary topics of inquiry in the hope this will provide clarification. [...]
On June 1st we will welcome back the approximately 180 Flight Attendants brought back early from leaves to cover the increase in flying to our flight schedule. We know the recall/cancellation of your leaves and low-time lines ahead of the expected duration was unexpected, and we appreciate the thought and sacrifice that went into the tough decisions made at the time to [...]
On May 13-14, 2021 the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA held the forty-eighth Board of Directors Meeting. This annual meeting is usually in person but due to COVID restrictions this year, it was conducted virtually. While doing business virtually had some challenges, and we missed gathering with our AFA peers [...]
Celebrating Asian American And Pacific Islander Heritage Month And Returning To Original Bidding Timelines
May is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month – a celebration of the contributions and heritage of Asians and Pacific Islanders in the United States. Asian American Pacific Islander (“AAPI”) is a very broad term since there are approximately 60 different and distinct ethnicities within that categorization. Every year, this is an opportunity to listen and learn about the [...]
Today we celebrate the people in our lives who have helped to guide, support, inspire, nurture, care and love us. And within our Flight Attendant `Ohana, the women who have shaped this career into one that offers flexibility, growth, independence, and a sense of being. Thank you for “mothering” many of us as we started our journey here at Hawaiian Airlines [...]
We know the recall/cancellation of the Covid-19 and 16.L. leaves and low-time lines ahead of the expected duration was unexpected, and we want to say we appreciate the thought and sacrifice that went into the tough decision at the time to take a leave to help both the company and reduce involuntary furloughs. If you are one of the 180 Flight Attendants that received a notification [...]
Good news from our AFA Interactive updates! The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) continue to back us up on the plane with mask mandate enforcement and zero tolerance for failure to comply or interfere with our duties. Earlier today, the TSA announced it is extending the mask enforcement directive to September 13, 2021 [...]
The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA has continued to advocate for Flight Attendants to be included with other essential workers in priority groups since the first vaccines were approved. The CDC announced that it’s safe for fully vaccinated (and masked!) people to travel, and we’re already seeing significantly higher passenger volumes [...]
As you know the company has announced the necessity to cancel approximately 180 COVID/16.L. leaves/low-time lines as we head into the traditionally busy summer season and to cover the increase of flying to our flight schedule. The 16.L. Payroll Support Program (PSP) 3 Contingency Letter of Agreement outlines the process of offering a return to work before recalling or cancelling [...]
In the MEC Communication published on April 14, we addressed the company’s announcement offering a “return to work” option for all FAs on 16L/COVID leaves/low-time lines to return to active status in June due to the increase in our flight schedule and the need for more staffing. Per the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and Payroll Support Program (PSP) 3 Contingency [...]
Our MEC Zoom Briefing has been rescheduled for Friday, April 16, 2021 @ 10:00 HST/13:00 PDT to present the provisions of the 16.L. Payroll Support Program (PSP) 3 Contingency Letter of Agreement (PSP 3 LOA) and answer your questions. We apologize for the last-minute cancellation of Monday’s Zoom briefing due to unforeseen circumstances. Thank you for your patience [...]
Aloha Flight Attendants, The MEC will reschedule this meeting due to an unforeseen event. We will, however, share the actual presentation with you to review. When we do have our rescheduled meeting, we will be able to provide greater insight to the changes and rationale for the PSP 3.0 Contingency Plan. Thank you for your patience and understanding! If you have any questions, please feel free to submit them at tinyurl.com/AFAQuestionForm Mahalo, Joni, Scott, Chasity, Jaci, Josh and the entire AFA Leadership [...]
With the March 11, 2021 passage of the American Rescue Plan with extension of the Payroll Support Program that averts all involuntary furloughs during the period of April 1-September 30, 2021, the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA) and the company have been in discussions working on an updated Letter of Agreement (LOA) that addresses the needs of our Flight Attendants [...]
As we head into the month of April, a friendly reminder that we will return to the original bidding timeline outlined in Section 10 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for the bid month of May 2021. This means the bid packet for May 2021 will reflect the timeline as follows: 10th- PBS Bidding Opens 13th- 1st [...]
AFA SCHOLARSHIP The deadline to apply for the AFA Scholarship is April 10, 2021. Applications must be postmarked by April 10, and sent to the following address: AFA Scholarship Fund P.O. Box 56 Hartwood, VA 22471-0056 An application form is attached, and more detailed information pertaining to eligibility guidelines and application requirements are on the [...]
After months of work and tireless hours, we are pleased to share our refreshed AFA website. We’d like to take a moment to acknowledge our MEC Communications Chair Andrew Ferreira, who has spent hours studying other AFA websites, working with website designers and then partnering with the MEC leadership. The refreshed website will be available on April 1, 2021 at noon [...]
Hate against the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities has risen during the COVID-19 pandemic, partially stemming from rhetoric surrounding the origination of the coronavirus. Earlier this week eight people, six of whom were Asian women, were killed in the Atlanta shootings at three spas. This incident has shaken many in the AAPI community, including Flight Attendants. [...]
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! As we head into Spring we can look forward to the launch of our new routes, an increasing number of vaccinations in Hawaii and on the mainland, and the renewed demand for travelers to take a tropical vacation to the Hawaiian Islands. We can see light at the end of the [...]
PSP Extended! Congress passed the American Rescue Plan (ARP) extending the Payroll Support Program (PSP) and securing job protections and healthcare for all aviation workers through September 30, 2021! PSP is important to stop furloughs now, but there are protections for all aviation workers: no cuts to hourly pay, continued service to all communities, caps executive [...]
The American Rescue Plan with the extension of the Payroll Support Program (PSP) was passed late last Friday by the House and now it is in the hands of the Senate. Although everything remains on track; we need your help to #extendPSP to ensure all flight attendants stay connected to pay and benefits through the end of September and avert all furloughs. Call your Senators every day this week! [...]
As February comes to an end, we want to remind everyone the last Ratification Bonus payment will be in the upcoming March 7 pay period. Additionally, FAs that have been out on any kind of leave of absence, COVID leave or Voluntary Furlough and have had payments suspended while out on leave will have the [...]
The AFA continues to advocate for the extension of the Payroll Support Program. As we move towards another possible furlough beginning on April 1, the MEC would like to reiterate the importance of calling your Senators and Representatives to support the passage of the American Rescue Plan. If the PSP [...]
Last Friday the AFA did a presentation of the Inflight Commuter Policy negotiated in the April 2020 Collective Bargaining Agreement. A few questions came up from members and we were able to get clarification from the company on some of the issues brought forward: • If you are a Reserve FA and are registered as a Commuter Flight Attendant, you can utilize the policy to commute to base to begin your Reserve Availability Period (RAP) in addition to [...]
There is a lot going on in the month of February. To help lessen the confusion as to the different types of leaves and bidding timelines, we have provided a chart for the timelines and descriptions of each leave. As you will see, there will be another round of VEOP’s (Voluntary Early Out Program) and [...]
THIS LETTER OF AGREEMENT is made and entered into in accordance with the Railway Labor Act, as amended, by and between Hawaiian Airlines, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the "Company ," and the Flight Attendants in the Service of Hawaiian Airlines, Inc. , as represented by the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO, hereinafter referred to as the "Association ," and jointly, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties." [...]
As you all know WARN notices were just sent out to 700 of our flight attendant group due to the possibility of impending furloughs beginning April 1. While the AFA will do all we can to mitigate any involuntary furloughs with voluntary options, an extension of the Payroll Support Program (PSP) is the best way to not only [...]
Many of you have received the company emails speaking to the next round of WARN Notices. WARN Notices will be sent out to hundreds of Flight Attendants and other company employees. As we have done last year, the AFA is working with the company on abating the number of furloughs through the COVID LOA, next round [...]
Please know that this has been a roller-coaster week for many of us. With the vaccination supply limits, much anticipated return of our Involuntarily Furloughed (IVF) Flight Attendants to the outlook for our Spring and Summer schedule, there is a lot going on. [...]
The Association of Flight Attendants (AFA-CWA) has joined the company in putting out the attached communication that contains important information on the COVID-19 vaccine. The communication also contains a Q&A that addresses many frequently asked [...]
We know that many of you have raised questions about how to schedule a COVID-19 vaccination so we wanted to address your questions. While the flu vaccine is available in the open market, the COVID-19 vaccine can be purchased only by the Federal government, which then allocates the vaccine to the states based upon population. Each state sets its own delivery protocol. In the short term, this means the Company cannot act independently [...]
We have retooled our MOB meetings to reflect the changes we have ahead of us. Our next meeting will welcome all MOB volunteers, review our MOB commitment and discuss upcoming items that our Flight Attendant group will face. We intend on finalizing our agenda at least 3 days prior to the meeting date and will email you with the Zoom information. In the meantime, we are grateful that many of [...]
Many of our Flight Attendants have been asking if the AFA-CWA is making arrangements for our members to get vaccinated. Vaccinations are coordinated between the State and Federal governments with the assistance of various local health outlets. The AFA-CWA is not involved with any coordination efforts. We believe that it is each individual member’s choice to get vaccinated. If you [...]
We hosted a Payroll Support Program (PSP) informational meeting for our membership on Friday, January 15, 2021. As prefaced at the start of our meeting, there has been a lot of moving parts and although we will do our best to answer all questions, there may be some that needs redirecting to the company or even respective state Unemployment Insurance offices. We had a solid showing of Flight Attendants who asked thoughtful [...]
The company has worked with the AFA-CWA to effect the Payroll Support Program extension and sent our involuntarily furloughed Flight Attendants and those who chose the 16.L Off-set Furlough leaves letters. Many of you will have questions that we believe will be addressed and answered in the company’s communications. However, we would like to host a membership meeting for [...]
AFA lobbied unceasingly with Congressional members’ unrelenting inactions to finally get the COVID Payroll Support Program (PSP) extension across the finish line. We persevered! What does this mean? Hawaiian Airlines will now get payroll assistance - just like last time - and will be required to offer recall to the 155 involuntarily furloughed (IVF) Flight Attendants. Accepting the PSP money means [...]
Please click here to view a message from your AFA Leadership [...]
Click to view all 2020 Communications
On December 27th the Relief Bill was signed by the President and is now law. Included in the Relief Bill is an extension of the Payroll Support Program (PSP) requiring that all involuntarily furloughed Flight Attendants be offered recall to active status effective December 2020 through the end of March 2021 [...]
The following items arose in the past week; these issues are operational updates or contractual reminders that are pertinent to the group. A321 UPDATES Please know that as of January 1, 2021, all outbound flights will reduce from five (5) Flight Attendants to four (4). We know that this will be an adjustment for many of you; thank you for your patience. CBA Reference: Section 7. Hours of Service, C. Duty Periods [pages 7-5 and 7-7] [...]
We could not let this day go by without wishing all of you Merry Christmas and hope that everyone is enjoying the holiday season! During this special time of year, we want to make sure you know how much we appreciate your support through all the ups and downs, uncertainties and challenges this past year has brought us. Whether you [...]
As you all know, the Coronavirus Relief Bill containing the Airline Payroll Support Program (PSP) was passed by both the US Congress and US Senate. We want to thank our MEC Government Affairs Chair, Rick Schwabauer, and his amazing volunteer recruits for their relentless efforts! Many may not [...]
It has come to our attention there has been an increase of sick calls by Reserve Flight Attendants after Crew Scheduling has given an assignment. The company has included Reserve reminders in the January 2021 bid packet. Since we have many Flight Attendants who are unfamiliar with Reserve guidelines, it is recommended to [...]
Media has been covering the recent movement of the Payroll Support Program these past weeks. As such, many of you will have questions in terms of how it will impact our Flight Attendant group. Our immediate understanding is that the pay and furlough protections could be effective retroactive from December 1, 2020 through March 31, 2021. [...]
In the MEC Communication published yesterday, we would like to make a clarification to the paragraph regarding Vacation Cancellation Makeup. If you cancel your vacation after monthly bidding is closed, a Flight Attendant shall be available for make up for time lost due to cancellation. Trips may be selected from open time or by assignment by Crew Scheduling and printed on the Daily [...]
The following items arose in the past week. Most of them are contractual updates or reminders that is pertinent to the group. HOLIDAY PAY This is a friendly reminder for our Flight Attendants who are scheduled or assigned to work on the holidays. Section 3. Compensation, L. Holiday Pay In addition to all other compensation earned [...]
The year is quickly coming to a close and we are looking forward to the new year! With just a few weeks remaining, please make note of these items. A321 STAFFING & SERVICE - reminder The Airbus A321 staffing will be reduced effective Friday, January 1, 2021. The staffing reduction is paired with the streamlining [...]
It’s been brought to our attention that there may be some confusion around the possibility of Covid-19 leaves being cancelled stemming from the company’s communication published yesterday December 3rd. Currently, the types of leaves flight attendants can be on are as follows: • 6-month Covid-19 leaves • July 2020 to December 2020 • August 2020 to January 2021 [...]
As we head into December, we want to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season. Our flights have started to fill up, and our flying schedule has increased except for travel to the Island of Kauaʻi. Onboard social distancing on all our flights is scheduled to end on December 16th. Heading into the busy travel season [...]
We’d like to wish our Hawaiian Airlines Flight Attendant ‘Ohana a Happy Thanksgiving! We are grateful for your continued support, hard work and dedication. We know that this past year has been challenging, and we hope the coming months and year bring more certain times for all of us. Sending our best wishes for a safe [...]
With the holidays fast upon us, there is a lot going on. This is a reminder of some of the time-sensitive items coming up. HA OPEN ENROLLMENT – ends Tuesday, November 24 at 800 pm/HST If you are interested in learning more and changing your options for your medical/dental plans, Pass Travel (Inner Circle), and adjusting your Flexible Spending account, please go [...]
Dear Furloughed Flight Attendants, As you know there was recently an error by Hawaiian Airlines in the administration of your medical benefits during the company-provided 60-day period per the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). The company informed the AFA that it was due to a “system error” and when they became aware of the issue they worked to correct and [...]
We observe this Veterans Day with appreciation for those who have served and those who continue to serve, especially our own AFA Member Veterans and all of their families who support them. We are honored to fly with you. Please take time. Please take time today to stop and think of our Veterans and their families. [...]
As many of you know, the company recently announced suspension of service of ‘Ohana by Hawaiian. However, the US Department of Transportation (DOT) requires continued service for at least 90 days following notification of intent to suspend service because flying to Moloka'i and Lana'i is considered “essential air service”. Because of [...]
As our flights finally start to fill up with tourists heading to paradise for a tropical vacation, we want to make sure everyone is aware of these guidelines still in place: ● Onboard Distancing Passenger Seat Restrictions Onboard distancing with passenger seating on our aircraft is still in place through December 15, 2020. The company is monitoring bookings as we head into the holiday travel season and will possibly [...]
It has been quite busy these past weeks as we hope for the Payroll Support Program (PSP) extension. We still remain hopeful. Should the PSP pass, there will be a lot of work and coordination to return our Involuntarily Furloughed Flight Attendants and effect the new COVID LOA portion in transitioning 16L Flight Attendants. [...]
Please note that there were two typographical errors in our MEC Communication: 1) The communication was dated October 22 rather than today’s date of October 23, 2020 2) Our MEC Zoom will be this coming Monday, October 26, 2020 starting at 1200 pm/HST [...]
Thank you for your patience while AFA and the Company finalized the language of the COVID-19 Letter of Agreement (LOA). We intended to provide this information sooner however, pouring over the details of anything signed and agreed upon takes time. COVID LETTER OF AGREEMENT SUMMARY Duration: 1 Year, October (for November [...]
As you may know, the company has been aggressively seeking out charter flights to help bolster revenue. One of the more recent successes is securing military charters in Japan. Depending on the schedule, there are occasions when the company has more than 7 days to notify the membership. Then, there are moments where [...]
Earlier today, our International Office called for a Special Board of Directors meeting via Zoom. Of the more than 100 participants - INTL, MEC and LEC officers - the Local Executive Council Presidents unanimously voted for #ReliefNOW resolution. The following are resolution highlights: WHEREAS, there is nearly unanimous [...]
Please know that after lengthy discussions, the company and AFA has reached an agreement in principle for a new COVID Letter of Agreement (LOA) starting November 2020. We are finalizing the details and hope to present the LOA, in its entirety, to the membership next week. This new LOA will preserve many [...]
As of today, please note that we will not have a Friday Zoom meeting. If you have questions or feedback, please use our MEC Communication link tinyurl.com/AFAQuestionForm Payroll Support Program (PSP) Some of you may have seen/heard the news that US President Donald Trump killed the extension of the Payroll Support Program with a single tweet earlier today [...]
Tomorrow, October 1st, 2020, will be a difficult day for us all as we lose part of our membership. Regardless of whether your separation from Hawaiian Airlines is voluntary or involuntary, it cannot make this day any easier. Whether your separation from Hawaiian Airlines is of your choosing, it is a life changing event [...]
As some of you know or may have experienced there were a few mix-ups in the letters the company sent out to the Voluntary Early Out Program (VEOP) Flight Attendants as well as to the rescinded involuntarily furlough (IVF) Flight Attendants. The AFA was informed it was due to a printing error which was corrected, and the letters [...]
As the second round of the Voluntary Early Out Program and 16L Offset Leaves have closed, we have been waiting for the past few days for updated information from the company on final numbers. Here are totals from both rounds we have gotten so far: • Voluntary Early Out Program (VEOP) – 109 • 16L Offset Leaves – 554.5 [...]
As we approach the anniversary of September 11th, many of us will begin to plan how we’ll recognize this day. Anniversaries offer an opportunity to acknowledge our memories and experiences, to connect with others who share in them, and to pay tribute to our individual and collective [...]
This is our day! Fought for and won by Unions. Our AFA International President passionately breaks down the true meaning for us. "This U.S. holiday is a celebration of working women and men joining together to collectively bargain for a fair wage, humane schedules, health and safety on the job, and benefits that allow us to care for [...]
We hope that you are all safe and well. We know that a variety of emotions can be felt as a possible furlough is on the horizon. Feeling stressed and having anxiety is a real feeling and your leadership is doing our best to help mitigate these furloughs from becoming a reality. Our Government Affairs Committee is fighting hard on Capitol Hill for an extension of the Payroll Support Program [...]
It goes without saying that these are very tumultuous times for all of us and our industry. March, when all this started, seems like a lifetime ago. Adding to everyone’s concern was the recent last-minute change to the “uncapped” awarding of all of the leaves, voluntary furloughs (VF) and low-time lines (16.L. “Off-set” leaves) and Peter Ingram’s statement that the need [...]
The AFA Leadership has been working to address the many questions that you have regarding the 16.L. Off-set Furlough leaves and what has transpired in the past 24 hours. While we know you continue to have questions, we are doing our best to ensure that the company hears your concerns [...]
VEOP Participants, 16.L Leaves, IVF, Company Reductions, MEC Communications
Posted: August 26, 2020
I’m told that approximately 99 Flight Attendants from a wide range of seniorities have chosen to take the Voluntary Early Out Program (VEOP). I’m sure this is not the way any or all of you envisioned ending your flying careers with Hawaiian Airlines. Who would have ever imagined the flight you worked back [...]
Today's communication continues to focus on the Section 16.L Offset Leaves and options provided by the company on Monday, August 17th . We have received questions and requests for clarification - the most frequent outlined below. We have also attached an updated chart from last week's presentation "Understanding Section 16" outlining [...]
We have received questions regarding the status of the COVID Leaves that were awarded now that the 16.L. Offset Furlough Leaves have been published. Please know that the AFA leadership has been actively meeting with the company to resolve your questions and concerns. The AFA and company believe it is important [...]
It is with great sadness that our friend Debbie Phillips Dobbins has passed away. You may remember her in most recent years at the inter-island desk with her friendly, thoughtful and gracious presence. Our thoughts go to her family and loved ones during this difficult time. PAYROLL SUPPORT PROGRAM And now, with the [...]
The AFA Leadership would like to say mahalo nui for attending today's MEC Negotiating Committee's Voluntary Early Out Program (VEOP) Meeting. A recording of today's meeting will be available on our Hawaiianafa.org Website. [We have to upload the file and it can take up to 2 hours due to the file length.] [...]
We know there is a lot of anticipation and anxiety as the Negotiating Committee (NC) works with the company on the Voluntary Early Out Program (VEOP). As such, please know that the NC is committed to ensuring that the program reflects the hard work and loyalty of our members. Our Flight Attendants have contributed to growing the Hawaiian Airlines brand and are valued members of the [...]
Many of you have either seen news on television, the newspaper and on the internet about the company’s reduction in work force. Although the AFA leadership was notified the information would be sent out, we now have more specific information. As we have messaged, this is a difficult time for all [...]
Today, senior management has officially sent a WARN Notification to AFA Leadership. The company has stated WARN Notices will be sent to Flight Attendants in the coming days. The company has said that Flight Attendants will receive this notification via their company email. In Los Angeles, due to different state laws, members will receive notification via physical mail in addition [...]
As of today, the company has told us they will give us a response by this Friday and are hoping to conclude discussions by next week. Unfortunately, we don’t have anything else to share at this time, but we will continue to keep you updated. Our commitment is to continue working with the company to create [...]
After many discussions with the company in the past 2 weeks, crew scheduling is committed to keeping with the three (3) published RAPs. Please know the company is able to adjust the start time of the RAP in order to ensure that the FA has her/his legal rest. [CBA Reference: 8. Reserve, P. Creating the Standby List [agreed], 4.] [...]
Support the CARES Act Payroll Support Program Extension/WARN Notices COVID-19 is still very much a threat to our health, jobs, industry and entire country. Every airline is reviewing current staffing levels and predictions for the fall, as payroll support and no involuntary furlough requirements end October 1 [...]
Click here to view the video message from Joni Kashiwai, MEC President [...]
As many of you have heard, we had a recent COVID exposure in recurrent training. Of importance, HIPPA laws provide that the names of any affected individuals remain confidential. The company has communicated that they are taking the necessary steps to support any employees who were possibly exposed while [...]
Some of you may be asking who am I? I’m a 35 year flight attendant and have been based in SFO, PHL and LAX. I started doing union work in 2002 as the LEC Secretary, then 9 years as LEC President and the last 6 years as MEC Secretary/Treasurer. As this new [...]
We have received questions and inquiries from Flight Attendants with regard to the company’s Self Screening Policy posted to the IFS website and sent to your company email on June 12, 2020. The following are questions that many of you have asked: Q1) Are we required to purchase our own thermometer? A1) The company hopes each employee will purchase [...]
We have completed our Master Executive Council (MEC) elections on Friday, June 12, 2020. Attached is the complete listing of all candidates and elected positions. As stated in our June 12, 2020 communication, we have personally called all candidates over the past days. We are grateful for their participation and the enthusiasm [...]
We have completed our Master Executive Council elections this afternoon and will post the official results to our website and FaceBook page on Monday, June 15, 2020. We will spend the next days personally calling all candidates to thank them for their candidacy. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all candidates [...]
The Hawaiian Airlines Master Executive Council (MEC) has collected Willingness to Serve statements through this afternoon. Please see the complete listing of candidates attached to this update. We are pleased with the many candidates that have expressed interest in serving the MEC and look forward to [...]
A special Master Executive Council (MEC) meeting to elect MEC officers and committee chairpersons will be held on Friday, June 12, 2020 from 1100 am to 1230 pm/HST, 200 – 330 pm/PDT. Although past MEC elections were held in physical meeting rooms, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting will be hosted [...]
The following are items and resources for our group. Please continue to reach out to us with your questions and concerns. Our AFA leadership makes every attempt to answer your questions with expediency. 16L LEAVES, LOW TIME LINES and VOLUNTARY FURLOUGHS – July 2020 The company has posted the [...]
The Hawaiian Master Executive Council (MEC) is accepting Willingness to Serve statements for all available MEC positions for the term starting July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2023. Resumes are not necessary but welcome. Likewise, for interviews ʹ they are not required but are available to interested parties [...]
The following are items and resources for our group. Please continue to reach out to us with your questions and concerns. Our AFA leadership makes every attempt to answer your questions with expediency. FLIGHT ATTENDANTS - 50th ANNIVERSARY, Celebration! We have 13 Flight Attendants who marked 50 years of service in our company on January 5, 2020. Another 11 joined [...]
The Hawaiian Airlines Master Executive Council (MEC) is comprised of 2 locally elected Presidents and three MEC Officers. The Local Executive Council Presidents (Council 43/HNL and Council 47/LAX) make up the voting body of the MEC. Positions are elected by a simple majority, with each LECP casting one vote for each position. [...]
Dear Fellow Flight Attendants: The following are items and resources for our group. Please continue to reach out to us with your questions and concerns. Our AFA leadership makes every attempt to answer your questions with expediency. “PEACEFUL LANDINGS” by Sabrina N’Diaye - cancelled We regret to inform you that the virtual healing on managing emotional, spiritual, stress [...]
The following are items and resources for our group. Please continue to reach out to us with your questions and concerns. Our AFA leadership makes every attempt to answer your questions with expediency. COVID-19 – Company Update #32, highlights Household Hardship Relief Fund If you live on O‘ahu and have been [...]
The following are items and resources for our group. Please continue to reach out to us with your questions and concerns. Our AFA leadership makes every attempt to answer your questions with expediency. AFA-CWA, INTERNATIONAL OFFICE (INTL) The International Office’s website has many important resources for our group. If you are unfamiliar with their [...]
The following are items and resources for our group. Please continue to reach out to us with your questions and concerns. Our AFA leadership makes every attempt to answer your questions with expediency. COVID-19 – Company updates Many of you [...]
The following are items and resources for our group. Please continue to reach out to us with your questions and concerns. Our AFA leadership makes every attempt to answer your questions with expediency. COVID-19 TEMPORARY CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS, ADDENDUM Reminder LOA BIDDING SCHEDULE – MAY 2020 • May 1, 0900 HST Bidding for Sec 16.L. LOA, Low Time [...]
The following are items and resources for our group. Please continue to reach out to us with your questions and concerns. Our AFA leadership makes every attempt to answer your questions with expediency. COUNCIL 43 ELECTIONS – Activation Code The International office in Washington, DC handles the majority [...]
The Master Executive Council (MEC) will hold a special meeting (Date TBD) to elect MEC officers and committee chairs for the upcoming term July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2023. Positions to be elected are: MEC President, MEC Vice President, MEC Secretary/Treasurer, Grievance, Air Safety, Health and Security, Hotel and Crew Accommodations [...]
As you all are aware the company has wrongly taxed the Ratification Bonus payment in our May 7th paycheck. The company is actively working to resolve this issue. They expect resolutions to be made by next Monday (5/10/20). Also be aware that NOT everyone was affected by this mishap. Some Flight Attendants may [...]
The Master Executive Council wanted to respond to the letter written by Council 43 member, Martin Gusman, on May 4, 2020. In August of 2018, the company came to the Association of Flight Attendants in the 11th hour and asked if we would be in support of an exemption or “carve out” to the 10-hour rest legislation. The AFA met with the company to discuss the issue at hand as well as [...]
Due to the reduced flying schedule for May, needless to say, there is a large number of Flight Attendants that are now on reserve for next month's schedule. The AFA reached out to Terrance Chariandy – Senior Manager of Crew Scheduling for a better understanding of what is to happen next month. In short, this is what was explained to AFA… "In order to best handle the manual input of [...]
The following are items and resources for our group. Please continue to reach out to us with your questions and concerns. Our AFA leadership makes every attempt to answer your questions with expediency. COMPANY – WIDE FOOD DRIVE: Malama Ohana Starting today, the company’s Team Kōkua will organize an employee food drive. Hawaiian Airlines families [...]
Malama Ohana, CWA Votes, HALFLICA.net
The following are items and resources for our group. Please continue to reach out to us with your questions and concerns. Our AFA leadership makes every attempt to answer your questions with expediency. COMPANY – WIDE FOOD DRIVE: Malama Ohana On April 27, the company’s Team Kōkua will organize an employee food drive. Hawaiian Airlines families can [...]
The following are items and resources for our group. Please continue to reach out to us with your questions and concerns. Our AFA leadership makes every attempt to answer your questions with expediency. NATIONAL GROUP PROTECTION (NGP & CAIC), COVID-19 CLAIMS Please know that we got an update from NGP in terms of any COVID-19 claims: 1) Members can [...]
“Earth Day is an annual event celebrated around the world on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. The first Earth Day celebrations took place in hundreds of communities across the United States. More importantly, it brought 20 million Americans out into the spring sunshine for [...]
The May bid will close on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 [LAX base – 1200/Pacific and HNL base – 1500 HST]. We believe that there will be many of you on Reserve who may be unfamiliar with the Reserve process once [...]
The bulk of this update is from the Communications Workers of America (CWA). Both Hawaiian Airlines Flight Attendant bases are part of CWA’s District 9. We ask that you strongly consider taking a few minutes to help with the Electoral Process Day of Action by filling in the fields in the letter campaign to Congress. [...]
Please ensure that you refer to the COVID-19 Temporary Contract Modifications Letter of Agreement to understand the May bidding schedule. The company is also offering additional Leave of Absences, Low Time Lines and Voluntary Furloughs in May. This is a hyperlink to the COVID-19 letter: Q: If I bid for a Voluntary [...]
Because of the current economic and health uncertainty facing many union members, students who enroll in the Union Plus Bachelor's Degree Completion Program, in partnership with Central State University, in the summer 2020 term will complete their entire degree for free. There will be no out-of-pocket cost for tuition, fees, or e-books until graduation, not just the summer term. Students [...]
In response to the agreements on payroll grants set forth for aviation workers under the CARES Act, International President Sara Nelson released the following statement [...]
As many of you know, our intrepid and passionate International (INTL) President Sara Nelson has been working tirelessly to be our voice in Washington, D.C. on Capitol Hill. Please take a moment to watch her latest FaceBook Live as she informs us on the latest ongoings. https://www.youtube.com/watch [...]
Earlier today, the company posted a memorandum addressing the May 2020 bidding period. Please read through the memo as it will reflect the modified bidding schedule. On April 17, 2020, bids will open including additional leaves (LOA), low time and Voluntary Furloughs (VF). Bidding will close on April 22, 2020 [...]
Now that the Act has been passed by Congress, some of you have asked what to expect. However, the depth and information of the CARES Act is complex. Please know that the AFA is not able to answer questions about the Act and how it will affect our company and Flight Attendant group. This will include any implications with various state unemployment insurance programs. In past [...]
Please know that our Negotiating Committee (NC) sent out an email blast earlier today. The news announced the results from our 2020 Tentative Agreement (TA) ratification. This entire negotiation process was a long road for many of us. It started in the spring of 2016 when we first assembled the NC. Then, it was on to putting out the negotiations survey to hear what you wanted in this TA. [...]
With all that is going on, we have a bit of juggling to do. Today’s communication will help you understand your AFA leadership’s role in terms of your Leave and Voluntary Furlough inquiries. Then, we will discuss what to expect tomorrow once the 2020 Tentative Agreement voting comes to a close. [...]
We hope this note finds you well. As we begin a new month, we face additional challenges with the many changes going on around us. THANK YOU for taking care of each other; we are united as the Hawaiian Airlines Flight Attendant family! This MEC communication is specifically about your 2020 Tentative Agreement Ballot [...]
For the remainder of March and through April, the company is directing our group to regularly check CrewTrac. Updates for you and your flights will be posted there and you will probably need to sign off on them. However, we reiterate, the schedule is constantly changing. Please ensure that you are abreast of your schedule and any company information that pertains to flying. [...]
Now that the final list of leaves, low-time lines and Voluntary Furloughs were posted, we want to thank you. We all know that it is not easy to remove yourself from bidding. We are accustomed to putting on our uniforms, getting ready for work, and looking forward to being with our fellow employees and passengers [...]
The continual changes throughout our world and here at Hawaiian Airlines has been quite steady. Many of you have asked what to do in terms of your bid lines and scheduled flights. Please know that the company has posted their anticipated April 2020 flying schedule. However, it is important to note that they continuously evaluate our flying needs. As such, there is the possibility [...]
Today was the first of nine daily Negotiating Committee webinars for our membership. Within a few minutes, we reached the maximum capacity of 500 Flight Attendants logging on or dialing in. The world’s “new normal” is migrating from in-person meetings to virtual meetings. Today was our first big foray with a large group [...]
Today brings us some sunnier news as we all try to weather this storm together. Our AFA-CWA Negotiating Committee is working tirelessly to prepare the Tentative Agreement presentation and road showsfor our members. We all know that you have many questions. Questions that you have asked us in the lounge, on flights [...]
These are troubling times for all of us as we watch our airline industry struggle. As such, we have had many calls, texts and emails asking about Voluntary Furloughs and how they compare to Involuntary Furloughs. The challenge we have is that although the company has not notified our group that they need to administer [...]
Every morning, we wake up to news that ripples through our communities and home lives. With yesterday’s press conference by the State of Hawaii Governor, the mandatory 14-day quarantine for travelers is confusing to our group. Amidst this dictate, the company was forced to address the exponential decrease in [...]
A LOT has happened in the last 24 hours since yesterday’s MEC communication: our Negotiating Committee Announced the MEC’s endorsement of the Tentative Agreement with the company; we have confirmed a positive case of COVID-19 in our Flight Attendant family; and the State of Hawaii is mandating a 14-day [...]
This has been a difficult time for each and every one of us, to say the least. Please know that we all grasp how challenging it is to hear something on the news that sends shockwaves through our communities and world. Simply stated, it has been impossible to prepare for what has been happening not on a daily basis, but within hours. Amidst this chaos, we hope that you are safe [...]
As we all anxiously await the revised April 2020 bid packet, Leave and Voluntary Furlough information, we will attempt to answer the questions many of you have posed through the day. It is evident that we need to communicate with you daily as there is much unfolding in terms of the world, our country, our states [...]
As all of you know, the COVID-19 global pandemic has had a devastating effect on the entire airline industry. Hawaiian Airlines has not been spared from these effects. The new flight restrictions to foreign countries that seem to be added daily and the rapid drop in demand for travel between the mainland and Hawaii [...]
Dear Brothers and Sisters, On behalf of all of our EAP committee members in both HNL and LAX, I am reaching out to let you know you are not alone. We are here to support you during this time of change and crisis. You can find a list of resources on the hawaiianafa.org site. Just click the Employee Assistance [...]
This afternoon, as the April bidding period was coming to a close, the company asked the AFA, ALPA and IAM leaderships for relief. With the latest announcement canceling our CTS route from April 2 through July 18 and Governor Ige’s announcement for a 15-day plan has many of us asking questions [...]
Click here to view video message from Sara Nelson, AFA International President [...]
We know that you are concerned not only with what is going on locally and throughout the world, but we also know that you are anxious to hear what the company plans on doing. With great uncertainty, our challenge is that information continues to change every hour. The AFA Leadership has been proactive in attempting to get answers for you, but things have been changing without notice [...]
Election Notice - Hawaiian Airlines Council 43 HNL. Polls close Wednesday March 18, 2020 at 3 PM EDT. Nomination Schedule [...]