Hawaiian Airlines AFA
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO
Stronger Together, Better Together!

Click to view 2023 Communications
Grievance & Reserve Communication: 10 Hour Rest Rule - Update, DIRTD Pay, SCR Response
Click to view 2022 Communications
Grievance & Reserve: Timing Is A Factor, File Your Inquiries In The Correct Folder, Strictly Facts
Additional RSA Dates
Posted: August 24, 2022
Additional September RSA Training Dates. As our Flight Attendants adjust to the new Reserve Self-Assgnment (RSA) System, we are pleased to offer two additional in-person trainings in the crew lounge. Wednesday (9/7) and Wednesday (9/21) from 1000 - 200 pm. For those of you who are unable to join us [...]
Many Flight Attendants use the FC View Application for their updates or changes to their schedules. Please note that the FC View app is not a HA issued tool. In order to reduce confusion or discrepancies, please use the Company platforms like CrewTrac or FLICA. If you are a Reserve Flight Attendant, your schedule has the potential to change. Please do not [...]
We have received many questions about the Company’s vaccination mandate, and we will do our best to answer them. The challenge is that although you have questions, we may not necessarily have answers since the Company has the right to manage its employees. So long as there are no conflicts with our Collective Bargaining Agreement, a.k.a. “Contract,” then there [...]
Click to view 2021 Communications
For those members who are participating in the company’s Transitional Period Testing Program (TPTP), it is imperative that you fully understand the company policy, process and what is expected from this program. We are now at the start of the third week of testing and the company is sending out noncompliance letters. Please know that the first step goes directly to a hearing [...]
September 11th is a day that will forever be etched in our memories. It was day of tragedy and loss, but also a day that brought us together as a nation. Let us take a moment remember and honor those who lost their lives on that fateful day [...]
Approximately three weeks ago, the Federal Government tasked carriers to assist with the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF) mission; the goal was to assist in the Afghanistan humanitarian flights. And while our company was included, our flying did not commence until after other carriers operated the initial flights. The notice our company received was literally a few hours. [...]
“The labor movement in the United States grew out of the need to protect the common interest of workers. For those in the industrial sector, organized labor unions fought for better wages, reasonable hours, and safer working conditions. The labor movement led efforts to stop child labor, give health benefits and provide aid to workers who were injured or retired.” [...]
Today is Queen Lili`uokalani’s birthday marking the start of Hawaiian History month. There are several platforms and forums to celebrate this important part of our island people and culture. REMINDER: Our company is a Corporate Partner of Bishop Museum and employees can enjoy complimentary General Admission through December 31, 2021. This deal does not [...]
The month of September is somber as we reflect on September 11, 2001. The Association of Flight Attendants (AFA) and the American Airlines Flight Attendant union (Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA)) have created a joint pin for our members to wear. This pin symbolizes our combined members as we pay our respects [...]
In sending our LEC letters and emails, we found that we have some outdated contact information. Please ensure that both the AFA-CWA and company has your current physical mailing address, phone number/s, and personal email address. For the AFA, you can send your contact information to: membership@hawaiian43.org For the company, please log onto Ultipro [...]
This is important news from our union - the Communications Workers of America (CWA)! * CWA members are fighting to pass the PRO Act because it means more power for workers to negotiate better wages, benefits, and working conditions. It will also make it easier for more workers to organize unions, which means more power and leverage at the bargaining table for all of us. [...]
Our dear brother Burrelle Thiim passed away this weekend. Burrelle was indelible with his big heart, penchant for humor, charm and insightful wit. As we think of him with love and fondness, we also think of his wife Lisa, son Noah, sister Lauren and `ohana. Our hearts and prayers go out to the Thiims and their loved ones as they are currently taking much-needed private [...]
Our Sister Union - Unite Here, Local 5 - is organizing a sign-waving campaign in Nanakuli. If you are willing and available to help, please join us on Saturday, July 10, 2021, from 1000 – 1130 am. This event is in protest of Kaiser Permanente closing their Nanakuli community full-service clinic located at 87-2116 Farrington Hwy, Waianae HI 96792. [...]
As we start this beautiful Sunday morning, we reflect on the impact that our fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and other figures made in our lives. An essential component of our island-culture is one well beyond the nuclear family. Many of us are fortunate to have male figures in our lives that shower us with love and guidance regardless of relation. [...]
This is from our friends at the BBH * It’s what’s on the inside that counts and Hawaii’s patients are counting on you to give blood now. We have less than a 1 day supply of O+ blood type on our shelves for local hospitals. O+ blood types are the universal donors for positive blood types. O- blood types are the universal donors for ALL blood types. Patients depend on [...]
Today, we celebrate and honor our mavens who have served Hawaiian Airlines for 50 years! These remarkable women have been through considerable changes here at Hawaiian Airlines and within the airline industry. Carolyn Harris Dianne Jinbo Jenerl “Nani” Uehara Megumi Tanji Shirley Fong We want to take this moment to thank them for their contributions throughout the [...]
re: Honolulu's Rent and Utility Relief Program, Re-opens The Hawaii State AFL-CIO forwarded this information for our AFA-CWA members. The City and County of Honolulu's Rent and Utility Relief Program re-opens on Monday, June 7 at 6 p.m. to 10,000 new applicants. For more information, please click on the links: OAHU https://www.oneoahu.org/renthelp [...]
As the summer kicks off with Memorial Day, graduations, and many other celebrations, we look ahead with great excitement. One year ago, we did not know if our company would survive the pandemic. And while there is much work ahead, we are grateful to ramp up our flights and ask Flight Attendants to return to the line. MEMORIAL DAY Today is a nationally recognized [...]
Dear Fellow Flight Attendants, Today, we celebrate and honor our mavens who have served Hawaiian Airlines for 50 years! These remarkable women have been through considerable changes here at Hawaiian Airlines and within the airline industry. Carol Lamse Lauren McBride Leora Ching Linda Edwards Kathleen “Manu” [...]
International Workers’ Day is celebrated on every continent and is meant to celebrate the work of the everyday person. To honor labor and community, our Sister Union Unite Here, Local 5 is coordinating a march this Saturday. If you are interested in joining other union members in the state, we will meet at the Kalihi District [...]
Each year, all AFA-CWA Local Executive Council Presidents convene for the Board of Directors meeting to discuss AFA business. This year, our BOD will be via Zoom due to the pandemic. As such, we will co-host our pre-BOD meeting for members with our sister Council 14, the United Airlines, Honolulu-base, Flight [...]
DOH has shared with the Kupuna Vaccination Outreach Group that our local pharmacies still have openings this week for eligible individuals seeking to be vaccinated. Pharmacies involved in the expanded Federal Retail Pharmacy Program in Hawaii have received over 125,000 doses of vaccine, including over 70,000 doses [...]
re: COVID-19 VACCINATION POSSIBILITY @ LCC, general Dear Flight Attendants: The AFL-CIO in Hawaii has provided this update! “The City & County of Honolulu has an update for those of you who are currently eligible but were not able to schedule your vaccination appointment. Leeward Community College (LCC) has [...]
Please be advised there is a correction in dates to our previous communication. All members are eligible to enroll, even those on Leaves. Benefit counselors, Ben and Christine, will be in Conference Room 304 & 305 in the “lunchbox” at Koapaka St. 9:00 am-5:00 pm daily. If you cannot make it to Koapaka St., please call or text Ben/Christine March 7-10 to enroll. Questions call National [...]
Please know that as we navigate through our “new normal,” we need to pivot for our National Group Protection Supplemental Insurance Open Enrollment. The next session here in Honolulu starts on Sunday, March 7 and runs through [...]
Due to the state’s travel restrictions, it has been challenging to solidify dates for NGP’s annual open enrollment visit. We had countless tentative arrangements through the months and have recently confirmed their next visit. [...]
Click to view 2020 Communications
You may remember our many informational pickets and how brothers and sisters from various unions joined us at our demonstrations. Unity among labor unions is a powerful show for strength in numbers. Please know that the members from the Hawai`i Nurses’ Association (OPEIU, Local 50) were present at several of our pickets. As they sit at [...]
As we enter the holiday season, we know that it is a difficult time given the world pandemic and the status of our company. Many of you may know that we have our Navigating Change guide available for all our Flight Attendants. We hope this information is useful and [...]
COVID-19 test kits are provided at no cost in an attempt to assist Hawaii with controlling the spread of COVID-19. On November 30, 2020, this free testing program will end. There are various test sites around Oahu which are available Monday through Saturdays, with the exception of next week's [...]
As we are all keenly aware, there has been quite a bit going on for many of us over the past months. Now, as we look forward to a new Local Executive Council (LEC) term and with the Master Executive Council (MEC election completed last Friday, we are seeking volunteers to add to our LEC Team! There are many members who are unfamiliar with the AFA-CWA structure and [...]
“The Association of Flight Attendants – Communication Workers of America (AFA-CWA) is the Flight Attendant union organized by Flight Attendants for Flight Attendants. AFA represents nearly 50,000 Flight Attendants at 20 airlines, serving as a voice for Flight Attendants at their workplace, in the industry, in the media and on Capitol Hill [...]
It is very important to understand the complexity, scope and details of the Fight for 10 campaign. First and foremost, the 10 hour rest rule was a part of the FAA Reauthorization Bill which was inclusive of a great number of provisions to improve the working conditions and safety of Flight Attendants across the nation. While the 10 hour minimum rest provision was certainly [...]
The following are items and resources for our Honolulu base. As you bring forth your questions, we make every attempt to get back to you with the correct information. COUNCIL 43 ELECTIONS Please familiarize yourself with the ballot and voting process. The polls have opened on April 30 and closes on May 21, 2020. Should you have problems with your ballot, please call [...]
LEC Candidate Zoom Link #3
Posted: May 1, 2020
The following link is the Zoom link that the LEC Candidate Elections Information will be held on. [...]
LEC Candidate Zoom Link #2
Posted: April 29, 2020
The following link is the Zoom link that the LEC Candidate Elections Information will be held on. [...]
LEC Candidate Zoom Link #1
Posted: April 24, 2020
The following link is the Zoom link that the LEC Candidate Elections Information will be held on. [...]
We are writing in regard to our upcoming Local Executive Council (LEC) 43 Candidates Forum. Please know that the forum is scheduled for Friday, May 1, 2020 from 1000 am – 1200 pm/HST. The International (INTL) Office will help to moderate this election cycle’s forum using the Zoom platform. Please ensure that you [...]