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Calculating Overduty Hours & Key Procedures

Updated 01/21/2025

To calculate the First Overduty Hour:

  • Add 0.31 (31 minutes) to the scheduled departure time of the first leg

To determine the Magic Time:

  1. Take the second printed arrival time.

  2. Add 2 hours.

  3. Subtract the block time (total flight duration).

  4. Add :01 (1 minute) to the result.

  5. ​For those pairings with a duty time of 14 Hours or less, your drop time is based off the standard 16 Hour Max Duty Day

Example Calculation:

  • Flight pairing: 3106, Flight 34.

  • Arrival time: 21:05.

  • Add 2 hours: 23:05.

  • Subtract block time (5:20): 17:45.

  • Add :01: 17:46 (5:46 PM)

Important Notes:

  1. If you experience a delay, track the length of the delay carefully.

  2. At your base, if a delay occurs before starting your day, you are released 8 hours after the scheduled departure time, not the check-in time (Sec 7.E.2).

  3. Flight Attendants are not granted positive space travel authorization for flights they were scheduled to work but chose to remove themselves from to avoid exceeding maximum duty limits, unless explicitly authorized by Crew Scheduling (Sec 31.D).


These guidelines ensure compliance with duty regulations and proper handling of delays.

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