Hawaiian Airlines AFA
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO
Stronger Together, Better Together!
Committee Description
This Committee was created to work with and share the possibility of integrating Member’s suggestions when possible. This Committee will represent the Flight Attendants interest regarding catering and inflight service/ sales and addresses Flight Attendant complaints and concerns regarding those catering and inflight service/ sales.
The Inflight Service Committee shall act to support the Union’s interest with respect to inflight service and sales onboard flights. The Committee shall meet with the Company to discuss any change in inflight service or sales, procedures to be followed, and other pertinent matters prior to the implementation of such service.
Who do I contact?
For assistance, please contact Kristi Myers
Email Address: kristi.myers@afahawaiian.org
Master Executive Council
Master Executive Council Committees

Kristi Myers