Hawaiian Airlines AFA
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO
Stronger Together, Better Together!
Committee Description
The Committee consists of one Chairperson who attends to members voluntarily seeking assistance and/or members brought to the attention of Professional Standards by their peers. The Committee participates in the MEC Accident/Incident Response Team and provides support to affected Flight Attendants and their families. The Committee also provides referral services for members and their families experiencing personal problems. All work is strictly confidential.
The Committee exists to assist all Flight Attendants in any area that affects professional performance by means of a personal discussion. The EAP/PS has a responsibility to those submitting reports, those voluntarily seeking assistance and those brought to their attention by their peers.
The Committee assists all Flight Attendants, their partners and families experiencing emotional, psychological, marital, family, alcohol, drug, legal or financial problems which are affecting their health and well-being on and off the job.
The Committee will also address the maintenance of Professional Standards of the airline and serve in an advisory capacity in handling all career-related problems of a professional and ethical nature. The Committee shall understand Company procedures and encourage people to work through AFA-CWA channels.
Master Executive Council Committees
FADAP Resources
FA Drug and Alcohol Program (FADAP) Confidential 24/7 Helpline 855-333-2327
Additional Resources
AFA-CWA EAP Resources
Who do I contact?
For assistance, please contact any Committee Member
Master Executive Council

Local Executive Council 43
Honolulu Chairperson

Honolulu Council 43
Committee Members

Debbie Saiki

Jackie Ohai

Lane Fatutoa

Reilynn Yamane

Kaniala Kekaulike

Rumar Arzadon

Local Executive Council 47
Los Angeles Co-Chairpersons

Milo Rubi
Los Angeles Council 47
Committee Members

Beverly Mendoza-Rezzarra

Tracy Thompson