Hawaiian Airlines AFA
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO
Stronger Together, Better Together!
Committee Description
Committee Policy and Procedures
Committee Responsibility
Who do I contact
Committee Communications
Committee Description
This committee develops educational programs about the Union, our Contract, the negotiation process, Flight Attendant profession, and the aviation industry. Other assignments may include: Membership Surveys and Media Relations. This Committee consists of one Chairperson who is also an Electronic Communications Coordinator. The main purpose of the Communications Committee is to maintain regular and timely communication with the membership through relevant channels including print, web, social media, and emerging platforms.
Who do I contact?
For assistance, please contact: Josh Aoki
Email Address: josh.aoki@afahawaiian.org
Master Executive Council Committees
Committee Responsibility
The Communications Committee shall be responsible for all bulk communications to the membership and maintaining the Internet and social media presence of the MEC. The MEC Communications Committee shall consist of the MEC Communications Committee Chairperson and the Local Communications Committee Chairperson from each council.
Master Executive Council

Master Executive Council
Committee Member